On October 15, we were officially logged into the system of China. The LID (Log-In-Date) means that we join the pool of people waiting for a referral. We expected to wait at least 3-6 months before we received a referral. On October 17, I picked Chad up at the...
A young fourteen year old Indian girl (let’s call her Sona) sat in a church planting training where I taught church planters. I thought she had simply joined her mom for the afternoon. After teaching, my Indian partner came to me and walked me to the young girl and...
As soon as our paperwork began its journey to China, we knew we had around 1 year to raise our funds. So we decided to host a garage sale on October 24-25. We had NO idea that we would be hosting the garage sale that we would have that week received a referral and...
Wow! That was fun! This afternoon we told the kids we had made our final decision! The reactions were great! There was so much flurry to their arm motions to celebrate, we could not even capture many clear photos. Now the wait time begins. We know WHO she is, but we...
As soon as we quickly scanned the file at Chili’s, we called our social worker asking her to “hold the file” for us. This means that though other families might have seen the file, they could not pursue the child until we made a decision. We had one week to make...