Most people want to make a difference. They want their lives to count for eternity. They want to leave their mark on the earth. If they are thinking big, they want a legacy. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to enable God’s people to join in His purposes. The Spirit...
During this “Partnered in Marriage” series we observed the Ideal Family in Genesis 1-2 and saw that God blessed both the man and woman with mutual commands and responsibilities. We also examined the Fallen Family of Genesis 3 and following where united harmony broke...
“Are you the pastor of the house church on campus?” we asked Miriam on the college campus where we taught in East Asia. M: No, I am the servant of the church on campus. Us: Oh, really, we thought you led the group. M: Oh yes, God is guiding us. Then we began to...
Chad and I sometimes talk about how it would be so much easier in our family (it seems) for him to exercise singular dominion, and for me to simply turn towards him in agreement. (Of course that could also be “the grass is greener…”) It is honestly hard to wage...
Often I imagine being the writer / speaker / blogger who brings light-hearted laughter and sigh-giving release from the tensions of life. I at times secretly wish for that platform, and yet it seems that God has called me to something a little different. Not better,...