On December 30, we received our Letter of Acceptance (LOA). This the long awaited document that demonstrates we are approved for the matching of our referral! Upon receiving this letter, we immediately signed the form and overnighted required documents back to our...
Ecclesiastes 11:4 says, “Whoever watches the sun will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.” This verse challenges us every time we seek direction. God uses this verse to refine us and remind us that perfect conditions never exist for moving forward...
Do you have a loved one whom you know is in heaven? I have a few. But the one I long to meet the most is Joy – my daughter. On November 29 of 2008, I found out I was pregnant. It was unexpected and we were ecstatic. We claimed C.S. Lewis’ statement, “Surprised by...
Are you familiar with those sharp guilt pains that sometimes pierce your heart as a mother? Yeah, I thought so. I truly believe those started at the Fall and at the moment of conception we as moms come under their influence! As I move my way through motherhood, I am...