On the Road to Damascus – Another Way?

On the Road to Damascus – Another Way?

Has God ever interrupted your plans? You know, just when you think you are about to reach your goal, something happens and your entire direction changes.  You end up with a completely different result than what you expected. The famous story of the Apostle Paul’s...
Destined for Trials

Destined for Trials

 Finally, after forty-two hours of travel, the kids and I landed in Asia last summer with loads of ministry supplies. Chad met us at the airport excited to see us after our two weeks apart. I got in the front seat of the hired vehicle while Chad and the kids hugged...
Light-Bearing: Kneeling For the Joy Set Before Us

Light-Bearing: Kneeling For the Joy Set Before Us

Often I imagine being the writer / speaker / blogger who brings light-hearted laughter and sigh-giving release from the tensions of life. I at times secretly wish for that platform, and yet it seems that God has called me to something a little different. Not better,...